
5 tips to help you save time vacuuming

Most of us hate the task of cleaning especially vacuuming around the house, when it is the most important and an everyday task. Vacuuming always stress some people because they don’t know how to do it properly or how they should organize themselves that it could reduce the amount of effort they have to put in vacuuming. House Cleaning Queen Anne have some tips that will help you with making the vacuuming task an easy one and also stress free during house cleaning.


1. Make a plan

During the house cleaning process when it comes to beginning any work we should always make a good plan, same goes for vacuuming as well. When we want to begin with vacuuming the first step we should do is plan, like which room should we vacuum first then move to which room next or we should dust off the furniture first and then begin with the vacuuming so that later on no dust fly’s off.   


2. Start with a clean vacuum

When house cleaning after making a plan to make sure that your vacuum is clean, a clean vacuum not only picks up dust quickly but it also goes on working for a longer time. If you find in the middle of the vacuuming that you’re vacuum is full and you will have to empty it. It will not only put your mood out but will also make it a much longer. The work that could have been finished within 5 minutes it will last you an hour and next time you will never want to do it again.  


3. Clear your floor first

When house cleaning before you begin with vacuuming you should begin with picking up all the things from the floor it is very distracting and annoying when it comes to stopping again and again just to pick up things. This puts your mood out and then the work which is not a hard task becomes an annoying one. And you don’t want to do it again. So begin by picking up all the things so that you can work smoothly and the work can be done in less time.


4. Know how to use your vacuum

When house cleaning another important step is to know how your vacuum works, if you have a proper know how then it’s easy for you to even work with it but if you don’t really know the features then you won’t even work with it properly either.


5. Maintain a regular vacuum routine

During the house cleaning process now once you have done vacuuming then make a routine that you either have to vacuum once a week or every other day or after two days however it suits you. But do make sure that you do it this will not only keep you in routine but will most certainly keep your home clean as well.  


If you need more house cleaning tips regarding time saving vacuuming then you can call your local House Cleaning Queen Anne experts. Call House Cleaning Queen Anne now.